Saturday, September 19, 2009

Structure of this Blog:

Most postings will be novel critiques. I don’t see any reason to write new synopses when the authors and editors have worked so hard on honing them down to the precision they want. I'm not blogging to give you sparkish notes or a book report. I'm blogging to hopefully give you some idea of whether or not you might actually like the book yourself, to give you a litmus test as to if you would want to spend your time and money on the book. Consider me a screener. If you find you agree with me, or generally disagree with my opinions, either way I hope you find my reviews useful as a guide.

I will also write comparisons and contrasts of individual books, authors, book series. I will also write a commentaries on some of my favorites in regards to these.

While I am not here to write summaries or synopsis, it is hard to achieve my objectives without some degree of summary about the book. I'm here to give you my very carefully thought out opinion and reasons behind those opinions. You can take them or leave them. Like my dad always said; opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. But then, I never really liked my dad very much, and he died young from alcohol abuse and tobacco excess. But he was right about opinions.

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